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How Can I Help?

How You Can Support Short-Term Rentals in Port Angeles

Become an OPLA member

Your membership fee will support OPLA's STR advocacy efforts. We are a 501 (c)(6) organization, and donations related to business may be tax deductible. We have partnered with Rent Responsibly to create a private OPLA portal that allows us to create and respond to conversation threads so we can communicate directly with each other.


Rent Responsibly is a private community for STR operators, alliances, vendors and advocates. Members gain access to other alliances and regular blog posts about best practices.



If you do not wish to become a member but you would like to donate to the cause of supporting STRs in Port Angeles, press the "Join" button at the bottom. We are a 501 (c)(6) organization, and donations related to business may be tax deductible.

Contact us at:

Olympic Peninsula Lodging Alliance is a 501 (c)(6) non-profit organization

Your donation will make a difference and hopefully help us move the needle. Please donate at whatever level is best for you. All proceeds will go directly to STR advocacy efforts in Port Angeles. We are a 501 (c)(6) organization, and donations related to business may be tax deductible. Thank you!

Become a Member

By joining OPLA, your membership dollars will go toward important advocacy work protecting your property rights. All proceeds at this time are going toward the current STR advocacy efforts in Port Angeles. OPLA Members will be able to communicate directly in a private portal and will gain access to exclusive benefits.



Donate to the current STR advocacy effort in Port Angeles. Please donate at the level that's best for you.
Thank you!

Individual Membership:

1 Property


​For homeowners and/or hosts with one rental property. (Up to 2 user accounts.)


$100 / 1 year

Individual Membership:

2+ Properties


For homeowners and/or hosts with two or more rental properties. (Up to 2 user accounts.)


$250 / 1 year

Property Manager:

Sole Proprietor


For independent professional vacation rental managers. (Includes 1 user account.)


$250 / 1 year

Property Manager:

Small Business


For professional property management companies.


$400 / 1 year

Professional Services


For companies aligned with the mission statement of OPLA that support local tourism and short-term rental operators.


$250 / 1 year

Join Us

©2023 Olympic Peninsula Lodging Alliance

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